Transfers/Dying Wishes

September 15, 2014

Dear Family and Friends,   

     So this week was transfers and I was super sad Hermana Dube was leaving... I have learned so much from that girl and those few transfers with her taught me a lot. I'm with Hermana Warner AGAIN!!!!! My hija, I trained that girl. I pretty much started my mission with her and now I'm gonna end it with her. That was my dying wish as a missionary.   

     Hermana Warner has taught me diligence. She has taught me to work hard and keep going no matter what.  From our two transfers together and me not knowing how to train her after 6 weeks of being in the field I was kinda freaking out. It's cool to see the before and after. See how much progress we have made as missionaries and hear about all the things we have learned over the past year. It's Hermana Warners bday this week and I am super excited because I got to celebrate her birthday with her last year and now here we are a year later and companions again.

Fiesta with Hermana Barrientos and Hermana Warner     

This week has been interesting. We had a fiesta for the ward for their independence day on September 15th and we got to try lots of good food and see lots of cool Hispanic dancing and everyone dressed up, it was super fun. 

     We got another roommate for a few days. Sister Smith's companion was finishing her mission and she didn't have a companion for a few days so she got to stay with us. 5 sisters in one apartment is a party. 

     This week I learned to just love everybody. Your life is what you make of it. If you aren't happy it's because you aren't choosing to be happy. Yes there are things you can't control but you can always control how you handle those things. Choose to be happy. I have noticed that with Hispanics that as they feel that love they are more open... they express their concerns with you. They are a very loving people and you show them love and you can make more progress with them. That's about it for this week. Love yall lots.

Con Amor,

~Hermana Larissa Johnson