My Companion is Still a Fire Hazard

February 3, 2014

Dear Family and Friends,

     This week has been pretty crazy. My companion still is a firehazard and one morning... (It always happens in the mornings, maybe she needs to be supervised when she uses the stove) I was getting ready and I hear... hermana you better come in here I am about to start a fire. I come in and there is paper stuck in the burner and it is smoking... I had to quickly get it out before it caught on fire... I find it very amusing. I don't think she does though. 

     So some of my investigators Monica and Aaron call me Lori. We asked them to read a scripture and handed them our scriptures to read it and they saw our names on the front of our scriptures and now they will only call us Brinny and Lori (I guess Brittny and Larissa are too hard for hispanics to say). Anyways we told them we go by hermana but they don't get it. So my mission has flown by and I am coming up on my half way mark this next transfer. It is very bittersweet. It is started to really fly by. Each day goes by pretty slowly but the weeks, months, and transfers fly by and before you know youre half way done. We were on bike week this week and Hermana Millington was having bike problems so we had the elders come and bring us a bike pump and ultimately 5 elders later and our bike finally got fixed... after Hermana Millington broke the bike pump. We had an investigator do something pretty interesting. We go to shake hands with him and he kissed our hand... kind of like in a disney movie. I was shocked!!! Never expected that to happen on my mission... he didn't mean anything by it... it's just southern respect... we gave him to the elders. 

     I went on Exchanges with the english sisters and I went to Hernando Mississippi. A member took us to "the dip" or velvet cream... this famous ice cream place after the fireside with L. Tom Perry. Exchanges were awesome we talked to every single person we saw and we talked to some guys that looked like they were in a gang but they were very respectful and they came to church. I honestly think we need to not judge people. They looked super scary but the Lord hard prepared them to meet us and we gave them a book of mormon. I got to use my spanish skills and we talked to some hispanics and I taught the whole lesson by myself and they were pretty impressed with my spanish... I think the sisters are going to have to take a spanish speaking member with them because I had to go back to my area and now here they are stuck with a spanish investigator. 

     We went to the chiropractor a little bit ago and on the way there we saw all these crosses on the side of the road and we were wondering what they were so we read the sign as we drove by and each of the crosses was for each of the abortions that had taken place in Shelby county... This month alone in shelby county there were 668 abortions. 668 precious souls denied a body and a family and a home because of the selfishness of their parents... I'm not saying this is always the case but it still made me really sick to my stomach. Then my companion was talking about what they do when they perform abortions and most the time they just take the baby out and leave the baby in a bowl to die.... talk about inhumane and people see this as something acceptable. 

     Anyways on to something more on a happy note. We got to Listen to L. Tom Perry speak and 5 other members of the 70. One of the most inspiring meetings I have been to. It was centered on hastening the work of salvation and all the ward councils in the memphis area and the full time missionaries were invited. It was broadcast to all of the south and I was lucky enough to be in the same room to hear him speak. L. Tom Perry started out with reading D&C 88:73. which says I the lord will hasten the work in its time.  He looks back at us and says.... it is time and the Lord has been hastening his work. He then talked about how the age change that missionaries can serve is as great revelation as the restoration of the church. If it is as great as the restoration than why are people not heeding the counsel of the prophet and the apostles when they ask the missionaries to work harder, and the members to pray for their own opportunities to share the gospel rather than just praying for the missionaries to find people to teach. 

     He kept saying over and over again NOW IS THE TIME. He said to feel the urgency in the work... do you really want your loved ones, and friends, and neighbors to be denied those blessings because you wouldn't open your mouth and share a simple testimony or give them a book or mormon or invite them to church. He said these things with such power I knew that even as a missionary I can and need to do better. He said the ward council needs to be examples of the believers. 

     We need to realize what has happened... with the missionaries being able to use the internet the whole world has been opened to missionary work... we know longer have to wait for China to opened to the missionaries in order for Christ to return to the earth again. He is coming and everything is happening so quickly people don't even realize what is happening. He begged us to  have every member be a missionary. Unless you do it it will not happen. He had all the missionaries stand up and told all the ward councils that the missionaries are not being fully utilized to our full potential. He told us to know the families and the names of the people. 

     He said to take more time alone to meditate with the lord. He said it with such power and devotion I know that people just skim over their scriptures and do things half heartedly rather than taking the time to receive revelation from the Lord. Make people feel welcome in the ward... greet them at the door, sit with them, ask them about themselves, make them feel welcome and let them know that you want them there. Show them the love that Christ would show them if his one lost sheep was starting to come back. We can find a million excuses not to do it we just have to find the one reason to do it. With less actives... go and meet with them... ask them why they ever joined the church? This will trigger the feelings they felt when they were taught and decided to be baptized. Then simply ask them if they would like to have those feelings again and invite them to church or to meet with the missionaries or invite them to an FHE in your home. They WILL remember the spirit they felt and who doesn't want those feelings again?? People come to church because of what they feel and people stay because of what they continue to feel. 

     The book of mormon musical is coming to Memphis and people asked L. Tom Perry what to do to prepare for that and all the opposition which we will get. There is already a ton of opposition here in Memphis especially with Bellevue baptist church which is probably the biggest antimormon church in all of america. If you don't believe me just ask any mormon that lives in Memphis. He just said if anything people will be more interested about the book of mormon and when the missionaries and members testify of the book of mormon we will convert a lot of people. When that musical was playing on broadway the marriot hotels couldn't keep enough book of mormons in their hotel rooms because everyone was curious about the book of mormon. Maybe not for the right reasons but it is a perfect opportunity to testify of the truth of it. It was an amazing fireside and I KNOW that the Lord is hastening the work... the final push and the apostles keep reminding everyone to do missionary work... not just the missionaries. 

     I am so blessed to get to be a part of the missionary work in these last days and I am so glad to get to share the gospel and bring people that salvation. I have felt so much joy bringing these souls closer to Christ. I haven't baptized as much as anyone else but I am planting a lot of seeds and testifying to everyone that I meet in hopes that I might be the means of saving one soul. And like the scriptures say and if you bring one soul to me how great will be your joy if you bring many souls unto me. I KNOW that this church is true. I KNOW that Christ lives and will shortly be coming to the earth. How great will be that day when he returns and you can tell him that you brought one soul closer to him and imagine how much joy you will feel to know that that simple testimony you shared with someone led to their salvation.... how great will be your joy. I love you all and I share these things with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


~Hermana Larissa Johnson