
November 25, 2013

Dear Friends and Family,

     This transfer has been crazy so far... I trained hermana Warner and we ended that transfer with a baptismal date and I cried when I had to say goodbye to her. She is my favorite companion and I am going to ask the president if I can be companions with her again my last transfer out here. Transfers was probably one of the hardest.  I am training and it is pretty crazy. I got a greenie straight from the Mexico MTC.  It is going to be an interesting 6 weeks but we will get along thanks to patience I had to learn on my mission. We get along pretty well. I got a new companion Hermana Millington. She loves music more than I do... I didn't think that was possible.... anyways we are working together on helping out the primary for the primary program coming up. Apparently I have developed a slight southern accent. Hermana Millington keeps telling me she is jealous I have a slight southern accent... I didn't realize I even had an accent. YAY!!! 

     We got 3 baptismal dates this week and the work is taking off in Memphis. Crazy story. We were on bikes this week and we had to stop by an investigators house and meet with her because she has a baptismal date and as soon as you set a date satan works extra hard on these people. It was freezing cold outside and there was a freeze warning that night and the work must go on so we biked a few miles to their house and just prayed that she would be home... we got there and it just so happened her husband who wasn't too fond of us opened the door and let us in. We taught him and he actually had some pretty good questions for us. Small tender mercy there. 

     Also this week we had gotten a little discouraged and all of a sudden we decided to stop at a referral's house. We stopped there and we actually ended up going to the wrong house. We knew as soon as this blonde girl answered the door that we had the wrong house. We told her we were missionaries and gave our little door approach and told her how we had felt prompted to stop by this house... she got a huge smile and in the south here its usually when they start laughing and you know they aren't interested. She just laughed and said: "I'm actually mormon and I'm the babysitter. You definitely had a prompting because this family is less active. We had found a less active family that even the english elders in that area had no idea about. We had to refer them over because they were english speaking but it was such an amazing thing to see how the lord helps us out when we are doing our best. 

     A mission es muy deficil but according to the talk: "Missionary Work and the Atonement" by Jeffrey R. Holland which I encourage all of you to read it says that salvation is not easy. It was never easy for Christ as he was suffering for each of us and carrying our cross. How can we expect it to be easy? Salavtion requires a part of your soul and if you are only doing things half heartedly than you my friend need to change. Christ walked the path so we don't have to walk it alone. He paid for the ticket and if we don't walk over to him and get it it does us no good. In my hardest times on my mission and when I am asking why this is so hard I have to remind myself that there is another greater person that asked that same thing as he was suffering for all of our sins. I feel comfort knowing that I have Christ here along side me helping me in my time of need. I don't have to go through this alone. I know that God has called me to be here right now and Christ is going to help me every step of the way.
I love you all and hope y'all are doing great. Just remember this holiday season to give thanks for all we have been blessed with. There are a lot of people even in our own country that haven't been blessed as much as we have. Take this opportunity to turn outward and serve other people like Christ did. I know that this gospel changes lives and I have seen that the past 5 months.  

~Hermana Larissa Johnson