
April 28, 2014

Dear Family and Friends,

These are my adoptive brothers Michael and Chris. I seriously feel like they are a lot like Pres and Joel except a lot more rowdy. They are Ms. GG (the lady we went to the temple with and did the baptism for her mom) great grandsons and she takes care of these two boys because their mother Cookie doesn't really take care of them cuz she is always off partying with her boyfriends... it seriously makes me sad when other things come first rather than family.

Us and the sister Training leaders after exchanges.... Sister Christensen the one on the left of me talked about me in her talk during stake conference... she told everyone about this bible bash we had gotten into with this preacher and how I just testified to him about Christ and it seriously confounded him for a bit. She said that you cannot deny the spirit you feel when someone testifies. I had no clue she was gonna talk about me then she said when I went on exchanges today and I was like oh shoot that was with me... brace yourself. It turned out to be a good thing. The bishop in the Jackson ward and everyone else turned around and looked at me and asked if that was me and I was like "Yeah, do you know any other Sister Johnsons in Jackson???" Anyways it was pretty cool. 

Love y'all,

~Hermana Larissa Johnson