
May 5, 2014

Dear Friends and Family,

     This week we survived all the tornadoes. We went and did a lot of service for a family that is moving. We went and taught the most amazing lesson. We got the prompting we would meet a Chinese person and we did!!

     We taught her and didn't think she had read and we talked to her and she said she knows the Book of Mormon is true and Joseph Smith is a prophet… We hadn't even taught her about Joseph Smith yet!! We asked her to be baptized and she said no but that is only because she has a very hard time trusting God. I would too if I had been adopted, abused and had polio. But she still happens to be a very loving person she just has a hard time trusting god. It was soooo amazing.

     She told us she knows she needs to be baptized but won't commit. Soooo frustrating. Yesterday we talked to a million people and they all happened to be standing outside different churches. They all said we could come back and meet with them. We found a lot of people this week but hopefully someday they will commit to act. You can only do so much as a missionary....the rest is up to them.

~Hermana Larissa Johnson