It Was the Best of Times, it Was the Worst of Times

July 28, 2014

Dear Family and Friends,   

     Transfers calls were today and looks like I will be staying in Little Rock for another transfer with Hermana Dube. This week started off pretty interesting. Monday our car got booted and us and the ASL sisters were stuck in the apartment most the day. Tuesday we had a misunderstanding with an investigator.... he was talking to me about how he used to make shoes and asked what my shoe size is and he had some shoes for me... he goes inside and my companion thought it would be funny to tell me that in his small town in Mexico that is how men propose... like a Cinderella moment.. and if you wear the shoes you accept. I freaked out for a little bit because I thought my companion gave me away on my mission but then the other member with us told me that she was just joking. 

     Wednesday was specialized training I learned a lot about myself and some of the weaknesses that I need to work on.. later that day you could just feel satan putting those temptations in my path not to stop me because he knows I can't be stopped but to distract me. Keep me from progressing as quickly. Our new mission president is amazing. His focus is how when we truly convert ourselves to the gospel and to following the spirit we can better bless other peoples lives too. 

Hiking Pinnacle Mountain

Our missionary group hiking Pinnacle Mountain

     We have been working with a less active and helped him get his patriarchal blessing. The patriarch got it to him in about 4 days... he seriously needed that guidance in his life... he called us up one night after we went out teaching with a member and told us his concerns with opening his blessing. You could feel how hard satan is getting him not to read it because he knows how much good it is going to do in his life. He has gone through so much and has been abused, abandoned by his mother, and his father... has had suicidal thoughts and has been going through even more that we don't even know about. There is so much that he can do to help build up the kingdom of God and he is so strong which is why satan is trying so hard to use the guilt of past transgressions to get him to fall into those bad habits again. I know he will make the right decision and as missionaries we are guides and we seriously are here to help people and a lot of times people don't realize that.... if you need any help with anything spiritual and sometimes even temporal.... ASK THE MISSIONARIES THEY CAN HELP YOU!!!!  

     I love this gospel and I know this church is true. As I have started reading the Book of Mormon again and focused on the Christlike attributes I can feel my testimony grow and have a stronger testimony that this book is true and this church is the same exact church that Christ himself set up... no other church has such great organization... everything the church does is inspired of God.... and who are we to question that... we can definitely ask Heavenly Father for help understanding but I do KNOW that the prophet and his apostles are led by Christ himself. I know that

Christ is here with us in this work and will help us through all our trials if we let him... he can be our strength and our support... what greater friend do you need.

~Hermana Larissa Johnson