
March 31, 2014

Dear Family and Friends,

     This week has been crazy. Transfers were on Wednesday and I got a new companion... Hermana Mitchell. In Jackson 3 out of the 4 missionaries are all spanish speakers so we pretty much know we are supposed to be teaching the hispanic population. Hermana Mitchell is from St. George, UT and get this. I trained her MTC companion and my MTC companion trained her. Thursday we went to dinner at some chinese restaurant and we had frog legs... we are definitely living the southern lifestyle. We found a lot of hispanic people this week. We also got a lot of media referrals this week. We went to the women's broadcast and learned a lot.

     We went on a road trip to Brownsville and that was an adventure in and of itself. We ended up in a sketchy area but we got out of there real quick. We went and visited a less active and he had a gun on his hip. He told us if we ended up in trouble to give him a call. We got into a bible bash with a pastor. We ended up placing 2 BOMs and got into another bible bash in spanish and she kept saying it is so frustrating we don't understand but we actually understood everything that she said. We went to visit another less active and he agreed to come to church. I think he was actually flirting with us but hey he is not less active anymore and we are giving him to the elders to work with. This week has been pretty crazy.

     I am going back to the hospital tomorrow because my back hasn't healed. Hopefully this second round will help fix it. 

~Hermana Larissa Johnson