Dear Family and Friends,
This week
has been challenging. We had transfers and my new companion is Hermana
Warner from Orem, UT and Hermana Smith.
My address is:
2562 Country Trail Dr.
Memphis, TN 38133
Terri my very first
investigator and baptism passed away. We talked to her husband Darryl a
few days before and he said she wasn't doing good. Long story short we
knew the call would be coming fairly soon and we just didn't know when.
We got the prompting to go home early that night then we got that call
that we had been dreading. The last time we had saw her we had the
elders come and give her a blessing and I think everyone in that room
had tears in their eyes and we read our favorite scriptures with her.
The very last lesson we taught them was the plan of salvation. I don't
know about you but I don't believe it is a coincidence that that was the
last lesson we taught them. Daryl needed to hear that everything would
be okay and he would see her again.
Since I have been here I have seen
amazing things and met so many amazing people that have impacted my life
and they have become some of my role models. I know that Terri is in a
better place where she is no longer in pain and I know that she is
making people laugh. I know that she was sent the missionaries right
when she needed them and I know that it isn't a coincidence that she got
well enough to be baptized right before things took a turn for the
worst. I know that this is all part of God's plan for her. I know that
she has blessed my life and I know that she is blessing other peoples
lives as well. I know that God has a plan for each and every one of us
and I am so happy that serving a mission is part of the plan that he has
for me.
~Hermana Larissa Johnson