
April 21, 2014

Dear Friends and Family,

     This week we went to visit a lady we had a baptismal date with and she was not home. Her boyfriend was sitting outside and we talked to him. We taught him the first lesson and committed him to stop smoking. He crumpled up his pack of cigarettes and threw them away. It was an amazing lesson. We asked inspired questions and checked for understanding. 

     We worked on diligence this week and as we did that  we have started to see more success. We are pushing ourselves harder and we have figured out what we need to do in this area and we just need to start having more faith that we can accomplish that because with the Lord nothing is impossible. As we increase our faith our investigators will start to progress more towards baptism. 

     We made symbolic easter cookies yesterday and they were pretty good. Easter was pretty good. We went and had dinner with the Bishop and the Miles family. (The doctor that fixed my back). Too bad as missionaries we can't fly in private planes otherwise they would take us out on their plane and fly us to Memphis when we need to go to meetings.... if only. Our week was pretty crazy we taught so many people I can't really remember them all. That's about it for this week. 


~Hermana Larissa Johnson