August 25, 2014
Dear Family and Friends,
week we went to look for the less active. We found her boyfriend and taught
him and boy are Spanish people rough. They just don't understand why praying to
the virgin Mary is wrong. When you to try to explain it to them they get
offended and it turns into a bible bash. With Bimael he asked us if we believe
in her. WE straight up said we don't worship her more than Christ and explained
it so simply that he understood. It was the coolest thing to see it click for
him. We gave him a plan of salvation folleto and committed him to read it.
next day we were in some other appointment and we got a phone call from him. We
called him back when we got to the car and he told us he read the pamphlet and
he was waiting outside for us... this was 2 hours before our appointment with
him. He told us to hurry up and come teach him because he was so excited. We
taught him the plan of salvation and found out his concern is prayer. He
doesn't feel like he can pray. We are going back this week and going to invite
him to baptism.
Another person we met this week Joventino we found him spiritual harvesting ( a
more effective way of tracting) and taught him. We invited him to be baptized
and right as we were doing that a huge fight broke out with his neighbors and
we kept hearing the F bomb and some racist comments. The cops ended up getting
called and we were just sitting on the front porch talking about baptism.
Regardless of that fiasco he agreed to be baptized but he wouldn't
agree to a date.
As we were walking up to our lesson with Bimael this little black boy was
riding his bike home. I said hi and asked how he was doing and he responds
with: "Is this because I'm black??" I was so confused and he
continued to call me racist. I was shocked and Hermana Dube (MY BLACK COMPANION)
was like excuse you kid can't she just say nice to a black
person...?? It was seriously funny.
had a nice English investigator that the sisters found on exchanges and he
said if we found a scripture in the bible that mentions baptizing in
the name of the father, and son, and holy ghost that he would take us to
dinner. I found that scripture for him and he took us all out to dinner and we
gave him a Book of Mormon.... ahhh all the English people we meet and have
to hand off to the English missionaries are all getting baptized... if
only we could have success with the Spanish population... just kidding. This
week has been an amazing week.
We were led to a less active. We were driving by and we felt prompted to
get out and talk to this man on the side of the street. We get out and walk up
to him and he's like: sisters what are you doing here?? We were confused then realized he was a member. We talked to him for a bit
and gave him a Book of Mormon and he agreed to come teaching with us. Because
of other circumstances the other missionaries will not go near him
but the Lord led us directly to him. It was an amazing week and we hope we
will continue to see success this week as we start bike week.
Larissa Johnson