
January 13, 2014

Dear Friends and Family,

     This week we taught a lot of amazing lessons. We have found a LOT of people this week and have been meeting with them. They all seem to have a LOT of problems and personally I felt this week that I didn't know what to do to help them. 

     This week I learned that the Lord is trusting us with these people because he knows that we can help them and when we are at a loss for what to do we can turn to our leaders and the Lord. The Lord always knows exactly what they need and he will direct us in what we need to do. We have prayed a lot this week and although it was a very rough week we had the very best week. We taught some of the best lessons we've ever taught. We felt the spirit in our lessons. I probably have never cried more in my life than I did this week. All of our investigators have a lot of problems and it breaks your heart. We ahve an investigator that is being abused by her husband and it is really messy to figure that out. So frustrating all of our investigators have a LOT of problems.

     With the Cancino family we answered the questions they have about baptism and we even got Ephrain to sit back in on our lessons. He had kind of gotten a little offended when we taught him the word of wisdom but the Lord helped prepare him and now he has started to listen to us again. We have a baptism date with Kenya and we are pretty sure her brother Eric will follow too. We have seen so much progress with this family and I have seen them recognize the truth and start to change their lives. We invited them to a noche de hogar (family home evening) in a members home tonight and I honestly think that will help them to develop a strong testimony of the book of mormon. The ward mission leader has been working with us and he says if they ever need a ride to church he will work something out so they can be there. They have that desire to come closer to Christ and they have been humbled enough to realize that they need the Lord. As we have been teaching them the happiness and joy we see in them is incredible. Nothing would make me more happy than to see them be sealed together as a family in the temple someday. 

     Although it is very challenging here in Memphis and although we may not see a lot of results we ARE making a difference. We are inviting people to come closer to Christ even though they may not accept it. We have learned to have charity for our wonderful spirit brothers and sisters. We have learned to work hard and turn to the Lord when we can't do anymore. We have learned so many wonderful lessons here in Memphis. I have truly learned to love the people here and the wonderful members. I have never had such a strong desire to help people. So many people here need our help and at times it is a little overwhelming and exhausting but I KNOW that we can do it! We have been called by a prophet of God to feed the Lord's sheep and labor in the vineyard and that is exactly what we are doing.  I KNOW that this is where I am supposed to be. I love the people here and I have a desire for their salvation... almost to the point where it breaks my heart to see them not accept it. I have been blessed to somewhat have a glimpse of what the Lord feels like when his children don't accept the truth. 

     I LOVE Memphis and I love the lessons I have learned here and the people I have gotten to meet and help bring closer to Christ and I am excited for the future opportunities on my mission that I will have to serve others.


~Hermana Larissa Johnson