Last Week at the MTC

July 12, 2013

Dear Friends and Family,
     So much has happened this past week. It has been the hardest and most exciting week of my life. This is the last letter I will be sending from the MTC. My 6 weeks is finally coming to an end and its time now to say goodbye to all the friends I have made here. I went to in field orientation this week and met one of the elders from the district. If any of you have served a mission you probably have seen those videos. He was the one who messed up that lesson about the law of chastity and the investigator didnt think he was able to date. I met that elder.... He was actually really nice but I was unable to get a picture with him. As I attended the orientation it finally hit me that this is the last time I will ever be in the MTC and I am really going to miss everybody. I am kind of scared to be going out to the field and teach real investigators and in spanish. I finally met people that are going to my mission besides Elder Dyorich and my companion who are both going there too. We met 8 sisters that are going to Arkansas english speaking and it only took 6 weeks to find them at the MTC. There are 23 of us missionaries flying out to Arkansas on Tuesday. As far as I know the three of us are the only ones going spanish speaking.

     It is so hard saying goodbye to everyone. It feels like everyone I have met here I have known for years. It is going to be so hard to say goodbye on Monday when they all leave. It is crazy to think that in a week I will be in Arkansas and sharing the gospel in a foreign language. I never thought I would be serving a mission and it has been one of the hardest things I have done. It has been extremely challenging but on the bright side I KNOW that what I am doing is going to be the best thing in my life. I am going to be able to give more service than I ever could have given if I decided to stay. The people you meet while serving a mission change your life and I am hoping that I am changing theirs.    
    One thing I have learned this week is that we need to change our will to match Gods will. I prayed this week that my spanish would improve and the next day I taught a 40 minute lesson in spanish all by myself. I was grateful that I was able to effectively speak in spanish and it wasnt until my teacher came up to us after the lesson and scolded us because we didnt teach with the spirit. I realized then that what I prayed for was not necessarily what was best for the investigator... it was just what I wanted. That night I prayed that I would be blessed with the things that I need in order to effectively teach the investigator and help him feel the spirit during the lesson. That next day I was able to teach an elderly couple in TRC and although my spanish wasnt very good I felt prompted to share a personal experience and I started to cry because I felt the spirit so strong. They commented on our feedback card that that was the best lesson they had received because of the spirit that I brought when I shared that experience. After that lesson we taught another investigator and the same thing happened. I realized that on a mission it doesnt matter how fluent you are in spanish..... if you are trying your best than God will give us in the very hour what we shall say. D&C  100 versus 5 and 6. He did that with me and I was able to bring the spirit to the lesson and touch their hearts. I realized then that I needed to change what I prayed for. I know God is helping and blessing me. I have seen it all throughout the 6 weeks I have been here. I just need to do my part and believe that he can make me a great tool for missionary work. 

      I thought I would end this letter with part of my testimony in spanish. Yo se que la iglesia es verdad. Tengo aprender muchas cosas aqui en la CCM. Yo se que Thomas S. Monson es el profeta. Yo se que el libro de mormon es inspirado palabra de dios. Yo se que este Jesu es el Salvador y Redentor. Estoy agradecido por mi amigos y familia. Estoy agradecido por mi amigos aqui en la CCM. Yo se que el evangelio de Jesucristo es verdad. Sabe ese cosas con todas mi corazon.  
Hermana Larissa Johnson