Best Week of the Mission

October 21, 2013

Dear Family and Friends,
     This week was the best week of the mission!!! The members in the branch are amazing. We went out with the members to visit 5 less active families this week and we got one of the families to come back to church. It was amazing not only for us but the member that came with us as well. When they walked into sacrament meeting the member looked at us with a big grin on her face. It is an amazing feeling to have someone coming back to church. My companion is great. This week was probably one of the most spiritual in my mission. I received so much inspiration through my studies this week and it is definitely going to help our teaching this week. 

     Our car got hit on Tuesday..... :( It was a perfect day. We had met every single one of our goals that day, we spoke spanish all day long, and I was pretty much talking the entire lesson in spanish I wouldn't let Hermana Warner get a word in... and it was the perfect day and we could really feel the Lord working through us. When we went to dinner with that member in Memphis and came out and the car had been hit. It could have easily ruined the day and even the amazing week we had been having. I unlocked the car and look up the door was smashed in and the window was completely shattered. I seriously gasped. Apparently it was loud enough for someone across the street to hear and I heard a man's voice shout "Don't panic, I called the cops." ..... I started panicking. I had never been the "driver" in an accident and even though I wasn't driving I was still responisible for the mission car and the damage and I was worried it would go on my record and I wouldn't be able to drive on my mission. I seriously was panicking. We got the member and she came out into the rain with us and we got the accident packet in the glove box and I was just so nervous because it was a mission car. That man was the one who backed into our car and he had been waiting for the cops for an hour and then 30 minutes later a cop pulls up and is smoking something and says theres nothing he can do. 

     Only in Memphis does your car get hit when you park it on the street. Memphis is the crime capital of the country and I was actually pretty suprised the driver stayed for an hour after he hit our car. I called our vehicle coordinator and I was feeling so guilty even though it wasn't my fault in the slightest. He said to just drive it home and it just so happened he was going to be in Memphis the next morning for specialized training so we could talk to him then. I can't even tell you how many looks we got as we drove through Memphis with a shattered window. It's the norm in Memphis but we still got a lot of weird looks..... I was frustrated because of the other persons stupidity but now looking back, satan was just trying to stop the work and the Lord had already planned another way for us to accomplish what we needed to. So now that our car is in the shop we had to go on BIKE WEEK :( No me gusta!!!! I wasn't very happy. But now looking back, the Lord had prepared the way for us to do so much work. The Lord provided us with rides to visit all of our investigators that live 20 miles out. (BTW I saw a cotton field... I truly am in the south). A member gave us a ride to meet with the less actives that live miles and miles away and would be too far for us to bike. The Lord prepared a way for us to meet with a less active that had been praying that the missionaries would come and give her the spiritual uplifting she needed. 

     This week I have never felt the spirit so strong!!! As we met with an investigator we felt inspired to read a chapter in the book of mormon with her and when we read it she started to cry (we had that effect on 5 other people this week). We were teaching with Hermana Hunt and the investigator asked us how we knew to share exactly what she needed to hear at that very moment. Hermana Hunt testified to her that as missionaries we are called by God to receive that revelation and inspiration to help people and that our duty is to help bring people closer to Christ. This week has been incredible and even though we were on bike week again we taught some of the best lessons we have ever taught and left an impression on the people. During this week I kept getting the feeling that there is no where else in the world that I would rather be than here serving a mission and sharing the gospel with God's children. I have experienced true joy this week and I have felt God's love for me and received inspiration for the things that I need to do to better help the people here. I love the work and I am so grateful for the relationship I have developed with God since I have decided to serve a mission. 

~Hermana Larissa Johnson